Welcome to the Call to Islaam website, buzzing
with information and articles on Islaam, insha-Allaah (if God wills). I have included
articles on a range of topics many of which, I think, will go some way to providing
clear and accurate information about Islaam and clearing a few popular misconceptions
about what is, afterall, the fastest growing major religion
in the world. All of the articles are easy to read and easy to understand.
Don't forget to visit the links at the bottom of this page.
is Allaah? -by Abu Iman 'Abd ar-Rahman Robert Squires |
True Religion -by Abu Ameenah Bilal Phillips |
brief introduction to Islaam -from Islamic Awareness, Kuwait |
they say about Islaam -Quotes from Famous Non-Muslims about Islaam, the Qur'an
and the Prophet Muhammad |
a religion of Terror? -Does Islaam condone suicide bombing or the killing
of innocent people |
a person becomes a Muslim -one who submits to the Will of God |
the Destroyer of Desires -A discussion of this unstoppable reality which must
face every one of us |
-a blood curdling description of death. How long have you to live? |
Qur'aan and modern Science -excellent! |
authentic sayings of the Prophet Muhammad -and notes on the science of hadeeth
verification |
Amazing Qur'aan - by Gary Miller. -good |
through Tawheed (true monotheistic belief), Mankinds greatest need -excellent! |
true narrative of Jesus the son of Mary, as revealed in the Qur'aan -unique! |
Glimpses from
the life of Malcolm X -from Nation of Islam to True Islaam -astounding! |
Image of Muslim Women -by Sister Naasira bint Ellison |
in Islaam, versus women in Judaeo-Christian Tradition, The Myth and the
Reality -excellent! |
British women are coming to Islaam -an excellent article from The Times newspaper,
London. |
World where Womanhood Reigns Supreme -by Mary Walker, production coordinator
on the BBC series 'living Islam' -profound! |
Woman on a Mission -an amazing article from The Guardian newspaper, London. |
reality of Hijaab -an excellent article on the Muslim Woman's Dress. |
in Kuwait, from Skirts to Abayas by Sarah McBride -an article
from the Kuwait Times -excellent! |
Future is for Islaam -by Shaykh Naasir-ud-Deen Al-Albani |
true nature of the Islamic Call, a detailed discussion< -a call which produced
an empire which was so powerful and advanced that it cast the rest of the world
into the 'Dark ages' and is once again on the rise despite the efforts of the
western Media to belittle it |
Return to Excellence -excellent! |
State of the Ummah by Shaykh Saleem al-Hilaalee -Industrial Strength Prophetic
Guidance in regards to the Current Situation of the Muslim Ummah -excellent! |
(Cultivation upon the Prophetic Way) by Shaykh Alee Hasan al-Halabee -the means
of Success for the Muslim Ummah -excellent! |
the Sunnah go Forth -The importance of implementing in our lives the lifestyle,
manners, orders and prohibitions of the Prophet Muhammad (may the peace and
blessings of Allaah be upon him) |
on the evils of Innovations in the Religion -an article exposing the fallacy
of editing or adding to Islaam that which does not belong to it and the
results. -excellent! |
Why we Chose Islaam -articles from people who willing
adopted the faith of Islaam and their account of the peace and tranquillity they
achieved by it (about 30 articles, insha-Alaah). -astounding! |
Islam and Christianity -- part1" |
Islam and Christianity -- part2" |
Islam and Christianity -- part3" |