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Part 1 - Islaam: an idea ?! |
Of course no Muslim could accept Islam merely as an idea. As the survey itself mentions, Islam is based on the "word of God, revealed syllable by syllable to Muhammad fourteen hundred years ago" (p.4 c.2). Thus it is no mere idea, rather it is the idea, the ideology, the truth, exclusive of all others. As the Qur'an states:
The religion has been completed and perfected, and has no need for alteration or adjustment:
The Prophet, peace be upon him, also said:
It is indeed true that Islam does not allow its followers to draw a distinction between the "inner" and "outer" aspects of life, between belief and actions, religion and politics, because in reality such distinctions are totally fallacious. Man's beliefs are the foundations and prime motivators for actions, for what is held to be true on the inside must manifest itself outwardly. Indeed the very first task given to Muhammad, peace be upon him, was to correct the false beliefs. It was not that the pagan Arabs did not believe in Allah, or God the Creator. In fact the Qur'an tells Muhammad, peace be upon him,:
Indeed the pagan Arabs used to worship Allah, pray to Him and sacrifice to Him in times of need and distress, as did the Jews and Christians, and they even claimed to love Him, but Allah rejected all of this from them and referred to them as senseless, and astray, and as disbelievers. So this is the reality concerning most of the men and jinn , that they claim to believe in Allah, and worship Allah, but what they believe about Him is incorrect, and the way they worship Him is incorrect . . .
. . . and it's manifestations are many and the
evil consequences numerous.
So "as-shirk", or ascribing partners to Allah (in whatever form it may take) is the unforgivable sin, because it is in reality the source of all evil, the greatest injustice, the worst oppression and wrongdoing. For if one is unafraid of speaking about Allah without knowledge, and this is a knowledge unattainable except through Him, for He is the best knower of Himself and His will, and that which pleases and displeases Him, then about what and about whom will one be afraid of speaking about ignorantly? For truly, as is obvious to anyone witnessing the destructive forces of nature, and untold misfortunes and miseries over which Allah alone has ultimate power and control, both in this life and the next, Allah is the most terrifying and most worthy of being feared. And also anyone witnessing the miraculous order,
and precision, and symbiosis within the earth and universe, must realize the unparalleled
knowledge and wisdom of its Creator. So if one is heedless of transgressing the
laws of Allah, and thinks them of little or no importance, or worse considers
them bad, evil, and outdated, then what of the laws conceived in the limited minds
of men? If one is ungrateful to his Lord, the provider of all, then of what little
consequence to such a one is ingratitude to the creation? If one denies the rights
and dues of Allah, which are the most worthy of being fulfilled, then what rights
and dues will such one be fearful of denying then? Thus imagine the case of a
worker in a company run by yourself , who believes you are the lavatory cleaner,
and the lavatory cleaner is the director! Would there not be evil results? Would
you tolerate such a person? If so, for how long? Now envisage this fool teaching
this to others, and insisting on it, so that the majority of the company came
to believe it, ignoring your orders and prohibitions, and inventing them for themselves,
and making their guide the lavatory cleaner who is moreover deaf and dumb!
As the saying of the Prophet, peace be upon him,:
Allah is more infuriated by the disobedience of His slave than a man of honour is finding his wife fornicating with another man. So how is His fury with those who insult Him by ascribing rivals, and partners with Him, while He is glorious above such things! And the evil consequences are not limited to this life:
The Prophet, peace be upon him, explained:
Indeed the message of all the prophets is one
and the same: "Verily, We have sent to every nation a messenger saying: 'Worship
Allah and avoid false objects of worship'" (Surah an-Nahl 16:36) and
indeed this is the very purpose for which Allah created mankind: "I did
not create the jinn and mankind except for My worship" (Surah ad-Dhaariyaat
51:56). So "shirk" (i.e. ascribing partners to Allah) is in contradiction
to that reason for which Allah has created us, and the purpose for which we exist,
which is to choose to single out Allah for worship, avoiding all false deities,
and to worship Him completely, with sacrifice, supplication, submission, subjugation,
obedience and compliance, and with love, fear, hope, trust and reliance upon Him,
seeking only His pleasure and not the admiration of His creatures, and to do all
of that according to that which was revealed to His last and final Messenger Muhammad,
peace be upon him,, and not according to whims and desires and mere conjecture.
Allah admonished the Jews and Christians, and called them disbelievers, for
The Prophet, peace be upon him, went on to explain that the priest and rabbis
Thus to ascribe legislative power to people is
a clear and obvious form of disbelief, and "shirk", or setting up rivals
to Allah, and is the unforgivable sin, and a contradiction of the purpose of creation.
If Allah blamed the people from the Jews and Christians for accepting from those
among them who were learned in the Scripture and Divine legislation changes and
alterations, and the making the forbidden allowed and visa versa, as we see them
doing until this day, then how about those who accept such actions from every
Tom, Dick and Harry, who have no scripture, and no wisdom and only pure speculation,
whims and desires, as is the case of Democracy?!?
and we seek refuge with Allah from that, for surely we would be of the losers. |