
1. Alim. Lam. Mim.
2. Allah! There is no God save Him,
the Alive, the Eternal.
3. He hath revealed unto thee (Muhammad)
the Scripture with truth, confirming that which was (revealed) before it, even
as He revealed the Torah and the Gospel.
4. Aforetime, for a guidance to mankind;
and hath revealed the Criterion (of right and wrong). Lo! those who disbelieve
the revelations of Allah, theirs will be a heavy doom. Allah is Mighty, Able to
Requite (the wrong).
5. Lo! nothing in the earth or in the
heavens is hidden from Allah.
6. He it is Who fashioneth you in the
wombs as pleaseth Him. There is no God save Him, the Almighty, the Wise.
7. He it is Who hath revealed unto thee
(Muhammad) the Scripture wherein are clear revelations - they are the substance
of the Book - and others (which are) allegorical. But those in whose hearts is
doubt pursue, forsooth, that which is allegorical seeking (to cause) dissension
by seeking to explain it. None knoweth its explanation save Allah. And those who
are of sound instruction say: We believe therein; the whole is from our Lord;
but only men of understanding really heed.
8. Our Lord! Cause not our hearts to
stray after Thou hast guided us, and bestow upon us mercy from Thy Presence. Lo!
Thou, only Thou, art the Bestower.
9. Our Lord! Lo! it is Thou Who gatherest
mankind together to a Day of which there is no doubt. Lo! Allah faileth not to
keep the tryst.
10. (On that Day) neither the riches
nor the progeny of those who disbelieve will aught avail them with Allah. They
will be fuel for Fire.
11. Like Pharaoh's folk and those who
were before them, they disbelieved Our revelations and so Allah seized them for
their sins. And Allah is severe in punishment.
12. Say (O Muhammad) unto those who
disbelieve: Ye shall be overcome and gathered unto Hell, an evil resting-place.
13. There was a token for you in two
hosts which met: one army fighting in the way of Allah, and another disbelieving,
whom they saw as twice their number, clearly, with their very eyes. Thus Allah
strengtheneth with His succour whom He will. Lo! herein verily is a lesson for
those who have eyes.
14. Beautified for mankind is love
of the joys (that come) from women and offspring; and stored-up heaps of gold
and silver, and horses branded (with their mark), and cattle and land. That is
comfort of the life of the world. Allah! With Him is a more excellent abode.
15. Say: Shall I inform you of something
better than that ? For those who keep from evil, with their Lord, are Gardens
underneath which rivers flow wherein they will abide, and pure companions, and
contentment from Allah. Allah is Seer of His bondmen,
16. Those who say: Our Lord! Lo! we
believe. So forgive us our sins and guard us from the punishment of Fire;
17. The steadfast, and the truthful,
and the obedient, those who spend (and hoard not), those who pray for pardon in
the watches of the night.
18. Allah (Himself) is Witness that
there is no God save Him. And the angels and the men of learning (too are witness).
Maintaining His creation in justice, there is no God save Him the Almighty, the
19. Lo! religion with Allah (is) the
Surrender (to His Will and Guidance). Those who (formerly) received the Scripture
differed only after knowledge came unto them, through transgression among themselves.
Whoso disbelieveth the revelations of Allah (will find that) lo! Allah is swift
at reckoning.
20. And if they argue with thee, (O
Muhammad), say: I have surrendered my purpose to Allah and (so have) those who
follow me. And say unto those who have received the Scripture and those who read
not: Have ye (too) surrendered ? If they surrender, then truly they are rightly
guided, and if they turn away, then it is thy duty only to convey the message
(unto them). Allah is Seer of (His) bondmen.
21. Lo! those who disbelieve the revelations
of Allah, and slay the prophets wrongfully, and slay those of mankind who enjoin
equity: promise them a painful doom.
22. Those are they whose works have
failed in the world and the Hereafter; and they have no helpers.
23. Hast thou not seen how those who
have received a portion of the Scripture invoke the Scripture of Allah (in their
disputes) that it may judge between them; then a faction of them turn away, being
opposed (to it) ?
24. That is because they say: The Fire
will not touch us save for a certain number of days. That which they used to invent
hath deceived them regarding their religion.
25. How (will it be with them) when
We have brought them all together to a Day of which there is no doubt, when every
soul will be paid in full what it hath earned, and they will not be wronged.
26. Say: O Allah! Owner of Sovereignty!
Thou givest sovereignty unto whom Thou wilt, and Thou withdrawest sovereignty
from whom Thou wilt. Thou exaltest whom Thou wilt, and Thou abasest whom Thou
wilt. In Thy hand is the good. Lo! Thou art Able to do all things.
27. Thou causest the night to pass
into the day, and Thou causest the day to pass into the night. And Thou bringest
forth the living from the dead, and Thou bringest forth the dead from the living.
And Thou givest sustenance to whom Thou choosest, without stint.
28. Let not the believers take disbelievers
for their friends in preference to believers. Whoso doeth that hath no connection
with Allah unless (it be) that ye but guard yourselves against them, taking (as
it were) security. Allah biddeth you beware (only) of Himself. Unto Allah is the
29. Say, (O Muhammad): Whether ye hide
that which is in your breasts or reveal it, Allah knoweth it. He knoweth that
which is in the heavens and that which is in the earth, and Allah is Able to do
all things.
30. On the Day when every soul will
find itself confronted with all that it hath done of good and all that it hath
done of evil (every soul) will long that there might be a mighty space of distance
between it and that (evil). Allah biddeth you beware of Him. And Allah is Full
of Pity for (His) bondmen.
31. Say, (O Muhammad, to mankind):
If ye love Allah, follow me; Allah will love you and forgive you your sins. Allah
is Forgiving, Merciful.
32. Say: Obey Allah and the messenger.
But if they turn away, lo! Allah loveth not the disbelievers (in His guidance).
33. Lo! Allah preferred Adam and Noah
and the Family of Abraham and the Family of 'Imran above (all His) creatures.
34. They were descendants one of another.
Allah is Hearer, Knower.
35. (Remember) when the wife of 'Imran
said: My Lord! I have vowed unto Thee that which is in my belly as a consecrated
(offering). Accept it from me. Lo! Thou, only Thou, art the Hearer, the Knower!
36. And when she was delivered she
said: My Lord! Lo! I am delivered of a female - Allah knew best of what she was
delivered - the male is not as the female; and lo! I have named her Mary, and
lo! I crave Thy protection for her and for her offspring from Satan the outcast.
37. And her Lord accepted her with
full acceptance and vouchsafed to her a goodly growth; and made Zachariah her
guardian. Whenever Zachariah went into the sanctuary where she was, he found that
she had food. He said: O Mary! Whence cometh unto thee this (food) ? She answered:
It is from Allah. Allah giveth without stint to whom He will.
38. Then Zachariah prayed unto his
Lord and said: My Lord! Bestow upon me of Thy bounty goodly offspring. Lo! Thou
art the Hearer of Prayer.
39. And the angels called to him as
he stood praying in the sanctuary: Allah giveth thee glad tidings of (a son whose
name is) John, (who cometh) to confirm a word from Allah lordly, chaste, a prophet
of the righteous.
40. He said: My Lord! How can I have
a son when age hath overtaken me already and my wife is barren ? (The angel) answered:
So (it will be). Allah doeth what He will.
41. He said: My Lord! Appoint a token
for me. (The angel) said: The token unto thee (shall be) that thou shalt not speak
unto mankind three days except by signs. Remember thy Lord much, and praise (Him)
in the early hours of night and morning.
42. And when the angels said: O Mary!
Lo! Allah hath chosen thee and made thee pure, and hath preferred thee above (all)
the women of creation.
43. O Mary! Be obedient to thy Lord,
prostrate thyself and bow with those who bow (in worship).
44. This is of the tidings of things
hidden. We reveal it unto thee (Muhammad). Thou wast not present with them when
they threw their pens (to know) which of them should be the guardian of Mary,
nor wast thou present with them when they quarrelled (thereupon).
45. (And remember) when the angels
said: O Mary! Lo! Allah giveth thee glad tidings of a word from him, whose name
is the Messiah, Jesus, son of Mary, illustrious in the world and the Hereafter,
and one of those brought near (unto Allah).
46. He will speak unto mankind in his
cradle and in his manhood, and he is of the righteous.
47. She said: My Lord! How can I have
a child when no mortal hath touched me ? He said: So (it will be). Allah createth
what He will. If He decreeth a thing, He saith unto it only: Be! and it is.
48. And He will teach him the Scripture
and wisdom, and the Torah and the Gospel,
49. And will make him a messenger unto
the Children of Israel, (saying): Lo! I come unto you with a sign from your Lord.
Lo! I fashion for you out of clay the likeness of a bird, and I breathe into it
and it is a bird, by Allah's leave. I heal him who was born blind, and the leper,
and I raise the dead, by Allah's leave. And I announce unto you what ye eat and
what ye store up in your houses. Lo! herein verily is a portent for you, if ye
are to be believers.
50. And (I come) confirming that which
was before me of the Torah, and to make lawful some of that which was forbidden
unto you. I come unto you with a sign from your Lord, so keep your duty to Allah
and obey me.
51. Lo! Allah is my Lord and your Lord,
so worship Him. That is a straight path.
52. But when Jesus became conscious
of their disbelief, he cried: Who will be my helpers in the cause of Allah ? The
disciples said: We will be Allah's helpers. We believe in Allah, and bear thou
witness that we have surrendered (unto Him).
53. Our Lord! We believe in that which
Thou hast revealed and we follow him whom Thou hast sent. Enrol us among those
who witness (to the truth).
54. And they (the disbelievers) schemed,
and Allah schemed (against them): and Allah is the best of schemers.
55. (And remember) when Allah said:
O Jesus! Lo! I am gathering thee and causing thee to ascend unto Me, and am cleansing
thee of those who disbelieve and am setting those who follow thee above those
who disbelieve until the Day of Resurrection. Then unto Me ye will (all) return,
and I shall judge between you as to that wherein ye used to differ.
56. As for those who disbelieve I shall
chastise them with a heavy chastisement in the world and the Hereafter; and they
will have no helpers.
57. And as for those who believe and
do good works, He will pay them their wages in full. Allah loveth not wrong-doers.
58. This (which) We recite unto thee
is a revelation and a wise reminder.
59. Lo! the likeness of Jesus with
Allah is as the likeness of Adam. He created him of dust, then He said unto him:
Be! and he is.
60. (This is) the truth from thy Lord
(O Muhammad), so be not thou of those who waver.
61. And whoso disputeth with thee concerning
him, after the knowledge which hath come unto thee, say (unto him): Come! We will
summon our sons and your sons, and our women and your women, and ourselves and
yourselves, then we will pray humbly (to our Lord) and (solemnly) invoke the curse
of Allah upon those who lie.
62. Lo! This verily is the true narrative.
There is no God save Allah, and lo! Allah, He verily is, is the Mighty, the Wise.
63. And if they turn away, then lo!
Allah is Aware of (who are) the corrupters.
64. Say: O People of the Scripture!
Come to an agreement between us and you: that we shall worship none but Allah,
and that we shall ascribe no partner unto Him, and that none of us shall take
others for lords beside Allah. And if they turn away, then say: Bear witness that
we are they who have surrendered (unto Him).
65. O People of the Scripture! Why
will ye argue about Abraham, when the Torah and the Gospel were not revealed till
after him ? Have ye then no sense ?
66. Lo! ye are those who argue about
that whereof ye have some knowledge: Why then argue ye concerning that whereof
ye have no knowledge ? Allah knoweth. Ye know not.
67. Abraham was not a Jew, nor yet
a Christian; but he was an upright man who had surrendered (to Allah), and he
was not of the idolaters.
68. Lo! those of mankind who have the
best claim to Abraham are those who followed him, and this Prophet and those who
believe (with him); and Allah is the Protecting Guardian of the believers.
69. A party of the People of the Scripture
long to make you go astray; and they make none to go astray except themselves,
but they perceive not.
70. O People of the Scripture! Why
disbelieve ye in the revelations of Allah, when ye (yourselves) bear witness (to
their truth) ?
71. O People of the Scripture! Why
confound ye truth with falsehood and knowingly conceal the truth ?
72. And a party of the People of the
Scripture say: Believe in that which hath been revealed unto those who believe
at the opening of the day, and disbelieve at the end thereof, in order that they
may return;
73. And believe not save in one who
followeth your religion - Say (O Muhammad): Lo! the guidance is Allah's Guidance
- that anyone is given the like of that which was given unto you or that they
may argue with you in the presence of their Lord. Say (O Muhammad): Lo! the bounty
is in Allah's hand. He bestoweth it on whom He will. Allah is All-Embracing, All-Knowing.
74. He selecteth for His mercy whom
He will. Allah is of Infinite Bounty.
75. Among the People of the Scripture
there is he who, if thou trust him with a weight of treasure, will return it to
thee. And among them there is he who, if thou trust him with a piece of gold,
will not return it to thee unless thou keep standing over him. That is because
they say: We have no duty to the Gentiles. They speak a lie concerning Allah knowingly.
76. Nay, but (the chosen of Allah is)
he who fulfilleth his pledge and wardeth off (evil); for lo! Allah loveth those
who ward off (evil).
77. Lo! those who purchase a small
gain at the cost of Allah's covenant and their oaths, they have no portion in
the Hereafter. Allah will neither speak to them nor look upon them on the Day
of Resurrection, nor will He make them grow. Theirs will be a painful doom.
78. And lo! there is a party of them
who distort the Scripture with their tongues, that ye may think that what they
say is from the Scripture, when it is not from the Scripture. And they say: It
is from Allah, when it is not from Allah; and they speak a lie concerning Allah
79. It is not (possible) for any human
being unto whom Allah had given the Scripture and wisdom and the prophethood that
he should afterwards have said unto mankind: Be slaves of me instead of Allah;
but (what he said was): Be ye faithful servants of the Lord by virtue of your
constant teaching of the Scripture and of your constant study thereof.
80. And he commanded you not that ye
should take the angels and the prophets for lords. Would he command you to disbelieve
after ye had surrendered (to Allah) ?
81. When Allah made (His) covenant
with the prophets, (He said): Behold that which I have given you of the Scripture
and knowledge. And afterward there will come unto you a messenger, confirming
that which ye possess. Ye shall believe in him and ye shall help him. He said:
Do ye agree, and will ye take up My burden (which I lay upon you) in this (matter)
? They answered: We agree. He said: Then bear ye witness. I will be a witness
with you.
82. Then whosoever after this shall
turn away: they will be miscreants.
83. Seek they other than the religion
of Allah, when unto Him submitteth whosoever is in the heavens and the earth,
willingly or unwillingly, and unto Him they will be returned.
84. Say (O Muhammad): We believe in
Allah and that which is revealed unto us and that which was revealed unto Abraham
and Ishmael and Isaac and Jacob and the tribes, and that which was vouchsafed
unto Moses and Jesus and the prophets from their Lord. We make no distinction
between any of them, and unto Him we have surrendered.
85. And whoso seeketh as religion other
than the Surrender (to Allah) it will not be accepted from him, and he will be
a loser in the Hereafter.
86. How shall Allah guide a people
who disbelieved after their belief and (after) they bore witness that the messenger
is true and after clear proofs (of Allah's Sovereignty) had come unto them. And
Allah guideth not wrongdoing folk.
87. As for such, their guerdon is that
on them rests the curse of Allah and of angels and of men combined.
88. They will abide therein. Their
doom will not be lightened, neither will they be reprieved;
89. Save those who afterward repent
and do right. Lo! Allah is Forgiving, Merciful.
90. Lo! those who disbelieve after
their (profession of) belief, and afterward grow violent in disbelief: their repentance
will not be accepted. And such are those who are astray.
91. Lo! those who disbelieve, and die
in disbelief, the (whole) earth full of gold would not be accepted from such an
one if it were offered as a ransom (for his soul). Theirs will be a painful doom
and they will have no helpers.
92. Ye will not attain unto piety until
ye spend of that which ye love. And whatsoever ye spend, Allah is Aware thereof.
93. All food was lawful unto the Children
of Israel, save that which Israel forbade himself, (in days) before the Torah
was revealed. Say: Produce the Torah and read it (unto us) if ye are truthful.
94. And whoever shall invent a falsehood
after that concerning Allah, such will be wrong-doers.
95. Say: Allah speaketh truth. So follow
the religion of Abraham, the upright. He was not of the idolaters.
96. Lo! the first Sanctuary appointed
for mankind was that at Becca, a blessed place, a guidance to the peoples;
97. Wherein are plain memorials (of
Allah's guidance); the place where Abraham stood up to pray; and whosoever entereth
it is safe. And pilgrimage to the House is a duty unto Allah for mankind, for
him who can find a way thither. As for him who disbelieveth, (let him know that)
lo! Allah is Independent of (all) creatures.
98. Say: O People of the Scripture!
Why disbelieve ye in the revelations of Allah, when Allah (Himself) is Witness
of what ye do ?
99. Say: O People of the Scripture!
Why drive ye back believers from the way of Allah, seeking to make it crooked,
when ye are witnesses (to Allah's guidance) ? Allah is not unaware of what ye
100. O ye who believe! If ye obey
a party of those who have received the Scripture they will make you disbelievers
after your belief.
101. How can ye disbelieve, when it
is ye unto whom Allah's revelations are recited, and His messenger is in your
midst ? He who holdeth fast to Allah, he indeed is guided unto a right path.
102. O ye who believe! Observe your
duty to Allah with right observance, and die not save as those who have surrendered
(unto Him)
103. And hold fast, all of you together,
to the cable of Allah, and do not separate. And remember Allah's favour unto you:
How ye were enemies and He made friendship between your hearts so that ye became
as brothers by His grace; and (how) ye were upon the brink of an abyss of fire,
and He did save you from it. Thus Allah maketh clear His revelations unto you,
that haply ye may be guided,
104. And there may spring from you
a nation who invite to goodness, and enjoin right conduct and forbid indecency.
Such are they who are successful.
105. And be ye not as those who separated
and disputed after the clear proofs had come unto them. For such there is an awful
106. On the Day when (some) faces
will be whitened and (some) faces will be blackened; and as for those whose faces
have been blackened, it will be said unto them: Disbelieved ye after your (profession
of) belief ? Then taste the punishment for that ye disbelieved.
107. And as for those whose faces
have been whitened, in the mercy of Allah they dwell for ever.
108. These are revelations of Allah.
We recite them unto thee in truth. Allah willeth no injustice to (His) creatures.
109. Unto Allah belongeth whatsoever
is in the heavens and whatsoever is in the earth; and unto Allah all things are
110. Ye are the best community that
hath been raised up for mankind. Ye enjoin right conduct and forbid indecency;
and ye believe in Allah. And if the People of the Scripture had believed it had
been better for them. Some of them are believers; but most of them are evil-livers.
111. They will not harm you save a
trifling hurt, and if they fight against you they will turn and flee. And afterward
they will not be helped.
112. Ignominy shall be their portion
wheresoever they are found save (where they grasp) a rope from Allah and a rope
from men. They have incurred anger from their Lord, and wretchedness is laid upon
them. That is because they used to disbelieve the revelations of Allah, and slew
the prophets wrongfully. That is because they were rebellious and used to transgress.
113. They are not all alike. Of the
People of the Scripture there is a staunch community who recite the revelations
of Allah in the night season, falling prostrate (before Him).
114. They believe in Allah and the
Last Day, and enjoin right conduct and forbid indecency, and vie one with another
in good works. These are of the righteous.
115. And whatever good they do, they
will not be denied the meed thereof. Allah is Aware of those who ward off (evil).
116. Lo! the riches and the progeny
of those who disbelieve will not avail them aught against Allah; and such are
rightful owners of the Fire. They will abide therein.
117. The likeness of that which they
spend in this life of the world is as the likeness of a biting, icy wind which
smiteth the harvest of a people who have wronged themselves, and devastateth it.
Allah wronged them not, but they do wrong themselves.
118. O ye who believe! Take not for
intimates others than your own folk, who would spare no pains to ruin you; they
love to hamper you. Hatred is revealed by (the utterance of) their mouths, but
that which their breasts hide is greater. We have made plain for you the revelations
if ye will understand.
119. Lo! ye are those who love them
though they love you not, and ye believe in all the Scripture. When they fall
in with you they say: We believe; but when they go apart they bite their finger-tips
at you, for rage. Say: Perish in your rage! Lo! Allah is Aware of what is hidden
in (your) breasts.
120. If a lucky chance befall you,
it is evil unto them, and if disaster strike you they rejoice thereat. But if
ye persevere and keep from evil their guile will never harm you. Lo! Allah is
Surrounding what they do.
121. And when thou settedst forth
at daybreak from thy housefolk to assign to the believers their positions for
the battle, Allah was Hearer, Knower.
122. When two parties of you almost
fell away, and Allah was their Protecting Friend. In Allah let believers put their
123. Allah had already given you the
victory at Badr, when ye were contemptible. So observe your duty to Allah in order
that ye may be thankful.
124. When thou didst say unto the
believers: Is it not sufficient for you that your Lord should support you with
three thousand angels sent down (to your help) ?
125. Nay, but if ye persevere, and
keep from evil, and (the enemy) attack you suddenly, your Lord will help you with
five thousand angels sweeping on.
126. Allah ordained this only as a
message of good cheer for you, and that thereby your hearts might be at rest -
Victory cometh only from Allah, the Mighty, the Wise -
127. That He may cut off a part of
those who disbelieve, or overwhelm them so that they retire, frustrated.
128. It is no concern at all of thee
(Muhammad) whether He relent toward them or punish them; for they are evil-doers.
129. Unto Allah belongeth whatsoever
is in the heavens and whatsoever is in the earth. He forgiveth whom He will, and
punisheth whom He will. Allah is Forgiving, Merciful.
130. O ye who believe! Devour not
usury, doubling and quadrupling (the sum lent). Observe your duty to Allah, that
ye may be successful.
131. And ward off (from yourselves)
the Fire prepared for disbelievers.
132. And obey Allah and the messenger,
that ye may find mercy.
133. And vie one with another for
forgiveness from your Lord, and for a paradise as wide as are the heavens and
the earth, prepared for those who ward off (evil);
134. Those who spend (of that which
Allah hath given them) in ease and in adversity, those who control their wrath
and are forgiving toward mankind; Allah loveth the good;
135. And those who, when they do an
evil thing or wrong themselves, remember Allah and implore forgiveness for their
sins - Who forgiveth sins save Allah only ? - and will not knowingly repeat (the
wrong) they did.
136. The reward of such will be forgiveness
from their Lord, and Gardens underneath which rivers flow, wherein they will abide
for ever - a bountiful reward for workers!
137. Systems have passed away before
you. Do but travel in the land and see the nature of the consequence for those
who did deny (the messengers).
138. This is a declaration for mankind,
a guidance and an admonition unto those who ward off (evil)
139. Faint not nor grieve, for ye
will overcome them if ye are (indeed) believers.
140. If ye have received a blow, the
(disbelieving) people have received a blow the like thereof. These are (only)
the vicissitudes which We cause to follow one another for mankind, to the end
that Allah may know those who believe and may choose witnesses from among you;
and Allah loveth not wrong-doers.
141. And that Allah may prove those
who believe, and may blight the disbelievers.
142. Or deemed ye that ye would enter
paradise while yet Allah knoweth not those of you who really strive, nor knoweth
those (of you) who are steadfast ?
143. And verily ye used to wish for
death before ye met it (in the field). Now ye have seen it with your eyes!
144. Muhammad is but a messenger,
messengers (the like of whom) have passed away before him. Will it be that, when
he dieth or is slain, ye will turn back on your heels ? He who turneth back on
his heels doth no hurt to Allah, and Allah will reward the thankful.
145. No soul can ever die except by
Allah's leave and at a term appointed. Whoso desireth the reward of the world,
We bestow on him thereof; and whoso desireth the reward of the Hereafter, We bestow
on him thereof. We shall reward the thankful.
146. And with how many a prophet have
there been a number of devoted men who fought (beside him). They quailed not for
aught that befell them in the way of Allah, nor did they weaken, nor were they
brought low. Allah loveth the steadfast.
147. Their cry was only that they
said: Our Lord! forgive us for our sins and wasted efforts, make our foothold
sure, and give us victory over the disbelieving folk.
148. So Allah gave them the reward
of the world and the good reward of the Hereafter. Allah loveth those whose deeds
are good.
149. O ye who believe! if ye obey
those who disbelieve, they will make you turn back on your heels, and ye turn
back as losers.
150. But Allah is your Protector,
and He is the Best of Helpers.
151. We shall cast terror into the
hearts of those who disbelieve because they ascribe unto Allah partners, for which
no warrant hath been revealed. Their habitation is the Fire, and hapless the abode
of the wrong-doers.
152. Allah verily made good His promise
unto you when ye routed them by His leave, until (the moment) when your courage
failed you, and ye disagreed about the order and ye disobeyed, after He had shown
you that for which ye long. Some of you desired the world, and some of you desired
the Hereafter. Therefore He made you flee from them, that He might try you. Yet
now He hath forgiven you. Allah is a Lord of Kindness to believers.
153. When ye climbed (the hill) and
paid no heed to anyone, while the messenger, in your rear, was calling you (to
fight). Therefor He rewarded you grief for (his) grief, that (He might teach)
you not to sorrow either for that which ye missed or for that which befell you.
Allah is Informed of what ye do.
154. Then, after grief, He sent down
security for you. As slumber did it overcome a party of you, while (the other)
party, who were anxious on their own account, thought wrongly of Allah, the thought
of ignorance. They said: Have we any part in the cause ? Say (O Muhammad): The
cause belongeth wholly to Allah. They hide within themselves (a thought) which
they reveal not unto thee, saying: Had we had any part in the cause we should
not have been slain here. Say: Even though ye had been in your houses, those appointed
to be slain would have gone forth to the places where they were to lie. (All this
hath been) in order that Allah might try what is in your breasts and prove what
is in your hearts. Allah is Aware of what is hidden in the breasts (of men).
155. Lo! those of you who turned back
on the day when the two hosts met, Satan alone it was who caused them to backslide,
because of some of that which they have earned. Now Allah hath forgiven them.
Lo! Allah is Forgiving, Clement.
156. O ye who believe! Be not as those
who disbelieved and said of their brethren who went abroad in the land or were
fighting in the field: If they had been (here) with us they would not have died
or been killed: that Allah may make it anguish in their hearts. Allah giveth life
and causeth death; and Allah is Seer of what ye do.
157. And what though ye be slain in
Allah's way or die therein ? Surely pardon from Allah and mercy are better than
all that they amass.
158. What though ye be slain or die,
when unto Allah ye are gathered ?
159. It was by the mercy of Allah
that thou wast lenient with them (O Muhammad), for if thou hadst been stern and
fierce of heart they would have dispersed from round about thee. So pardon them
and ask forgiveness for them and consult with them upon the conduct of affairs.
And when thou art resolved, then put thy trust in Allah. Lo! Allah loveth those
who put their trust (in Him).
160. If Allah is your helper none
can overcome you, and if He withdraw His help from you, who is there who can help
you after Him ? In Allah let believers put their trust.
161. It is not for any prophet to
embezzle. Whoso embezzleth will bring what he embezzled with him on the Day of
Resurrection. Then every soul will be paid in full what it hath earned; and they
will not be wronged.
162. Is one who followeth the pleasure
of Allah as one who hath earned condemnation from Allah, whose habitation is the
Fire, a hapless journey's end ?
163. There are degrees (of grace and
reprobation) with Allah, and Allah is Seer of what they do.
164. Allah verily hath shown grace
to the believers by sending unto them a messenger of their own who reciteth unto
them His revelations, and causeth them to grow, and teacheth them the Scripture
and wisdom; although before (he came to them) they were in flagrant error.
165. And was it so, when a disaster
smote you, though ye had smitten (them with a disaster) twice (as great), that
ye said: How is this ? Say (unto them, O Muhammad): It is from yourselves. Lo!
Allah is Able to do all things.
166. That which befell you, on the
day when the two armies met, was by permission of Allah; that He might know the
true believers;
167. And that He might know the hypocrites,
unto whom it was said: Come, fight in the way of Allah, or defend yourselves.
They answered: If we knew aught of fighting we would follow you. On that day they
were nearer disbelief than faith. They utter with their mouths a thing which is
not in their hearts. Allah is Best Aware of what they hide.
168. Those who, while they sat at
home, said of their brethren (who were fighting for the cause of Allah): If they
had been guided by us they would not have been slain. Say (unto them, O Muhammad):
Then avert death from yourselves if ye are truthful.
169. Think not of those, who are slain
in the way of Allah, as dead. Nay, they are living. With their Lord they have
170. Jubilant (are they) because of
that which Allah hath bestowed upon them of His bounty, rejoicing for the sake
of those who have not joined them but are left behind: That there shall no fear
come upon them neither shall they grieve.
171. They rejoice because of favour
from Allah and kindness, and that Allah wasteth not the wage of the believers.
172. As for those who heard the call
of Allah and His messenger after the harm befell them (in the fight); for such
of them as do right and ward off (evil), there is great reward.
173. Those unto whom men said: Lo!
the people have gathered against you, therefor fear them. (The threat of danger)
but increased the faith of them and they cried: Allah is Sufficient for us! Most
Excellent is He in Whom we trust!
174. So they returned with grace and
favour from Allah, and no harm touched them. They followed the good pleasure of
Allah, and Allah is of Infinite Bounty.
175. It is only the devil who would
make (men) fear his partisans. Fear them not; fear Me, if ye are true believers.
176. Let not their conduct grieve
thee, who run easily to disbelief, for lo! they injure Allah not at all. It is
Allah's Will to assign them no portion in the Hereafter, and theirs will be an
awful doom.
177. Those who purchase disbelief
at the price of faith harm Allah not at all, but theirs will be a painful doom.
178. And let not those who disbelieve
imagine that the rein We give them bodeth good unto their souls. We only give
them rein that they may grow in sinfulness. And theirs will be a shameful doom.
179. It is not (the purpose) of Allah
to leave you in your present state till He shall separate the wicked from the
good. And it is not (the purpose of) Allah to let you know the Unseen. But Allah
chooseth of His messengers whom He will, (to receive knowledge thereof). So believe
in Allah and His messengers. If ye believe and ward off (evil), yours will be
a vast reward.
180. And let not those who hoard up
that which Allah hath bestowed upon them of His bounty think that it is better
for them. Nay, it is worse for them. That which they hoard will be their collar
on the Day of Resurrection. Allah's is the heritage of the heavens and the earth,
and Allah is Informed of what ye do.
181. Verily Allah heard the saying
of those who said, (when asked for contributions to the war): "Allah, forsooth,
is poor, and we are rich!" We shall record their saying with their slaying
of the prophets wrongfully and We shall say: Taste ye the punishment of burning!
182. This is on account of that which
your own hands have sent before (you to the judgment). Allah is no oppressor of
(His) bondmen.
183. (The same are) those who say:
Lo! Allah hath charged us that we believe not in any messenger until he bring
us an offering which fire (from heaven) shall devour. Say (unto them, O Muhammad):
Messengers came unto you before me with miracles, and with that (very miracle)
which ye describe. Why then did ye slay them ? (Answer that) if ye are truthful!
184. And if they deny thee, even so
did they deny messengers who were before thee, who came with miracles and with
the Psalms and with the Scripture giving light.
185. Every soul will taste of death.
And ye will be paid on the Day of Resurrection only that which ye have fairly
earned. Whoso is removed from the Fire and is made to enter paradise, he indeed
is triumphant. The life of this world is but comfort of illusion.
186. Assuredly ye will be tried in
your property and in your persons, and ye will hear much wrong from those who
were given the Scripture before you, and from the idolaters. But if ye persevere
and ward off (evil), then that is of the steadfast heart of things.
187. And (remember) when Allah laid
a charge on those who had received the Scripture (He said): Ye are to expound
it to mankind and not to hide it. But they flung it behind their backs and bought
thereby a little gain. Verily evil is that which they have gained thereby.
188. Think not that those who exult
in what they have given, and love to be praised for what they have not done -
Think not, they are in safety from the doom. A painful doom is theirs.
189. Unto Allah belongeth the Sovereignty
of the heavens and the earth. Allah is Able to do all things.
190. Lo! In the creation of the heavens
and the earth and (in) the difference of night and day are tokens (of His Sovereignty)
for men of understanding,
191. Such as remember Allah, standing,
sitting, and reclining, and consider the creation of the heavens and the earth,
(and say): Our Lord! Thou createdst not this in vain. Glory be to Thee! Preserve
us from the doom of Fire.
192. Our Lord! Whom Thou causest to
enter the Fire: him indeed Thou hast confounded. For evil-doers there will be
no helpers.
193. Our Lord! Lo! we have heard a
crier calling unto Faith: "Believe ye in your Lord!" So we believed.
Our Lord! Therefor forgive us our sins, and remit from us our evil deeds, and
make us die the death of the righteous.
194. Our Lord! And give us that which
Thou hast promised to us by Thy messengers. Confound us not upon the Day of Resurrection.
Lo! Thou breakest not the tryst.
195. And their Lord hath heard them
(and He saith): Lo! I suffer not the work of any worker, male or female, to be
lost. Ye proceed one from another. So those who fled and were driven forth from
their homes and suffered damage for My cause, and fought and were slain, verily
I shall remit their evil deeds from them and verily I shall bring them into Gardens
underneath which rivers flow - A reward from Allah. And with Allah is the fairest
of rewards.
196. Let not the vicissitude (of the
success) of those who disbelieve, in the land, deceive thee (O Muhammad).
197. It is but a brief comfort. And
afterward their habitation will be hell, an ill abode.
198. But those who keep their duty
to their Lord, for them are Gardens underneath which rivers flow, wherein they
will be safe for ever. A gift of welcome from their Lord. That which Allah hath
in store is better for the righteous.
199. And lo! of the People of the
Scripture there are some who believe in Allah and that which is revealed unto
you and that which was revealed unto them, humbling themselves before Allah. They
purchase not a trifling gain at the price of the revelations of Allah. Verily
their reward is with their Lord. Lo! Allah is swift to take account.
200. O ye who believe! Endure, outdo
all others in endurance, be ready, and observe your duty to Allah, in order that
ye may succeed.