مركز المدينة المنورة للعلم والهندسة
سعادة المهندس/ عارف سمان حفظه الله
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته أشكركم على رسالتكم الرقيقة، وقد سررت بموقعكم الرائع والطموح، وفيما يلي ملخص رسالة الماجستير التي تخصني في الهندسة الكهربائية والحاسبات، آمل إدراجه ضمن باب البحوث في موقعكم، واسأل الله لكم التوفيق والسداد أخوكم/ عصام عبدالقادر كوشك
A Microcontroller-Based
Video Switcherxml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office"
A new tool is needed in the
classroom that provides the sharing of screens from the teacher’s
computer to the students’ screens and vice versa. The objective
of this project is to design and implement a microcontroller-based
video switcher. The desired video switcher is to be applied in a
computer classroom video system that satisfies the need for a
system to control several video switches. These video switches
control the computer monitor’s video signals in a computer
classroom to provide screen sharing between the instructor’s
computer (station) and students’ computers.
The concerned screen sharing can
be categorized in three different operating modes controlled by
the teacher’s station. First, Individual Teaching (Stand-alone
Mode): Every student sees his own screen. Second, Group Teaching
(Learning Mode): Every student sees the teacher’s screen.
Third, Evaluation and Testing Mode: The teacher sees selected
student’s screen. The VGA PC video standard is the most widely
used video standard and therefore it is considered in this
A better way to ensure flexibility
of switching an array of inputs and outputs from the computer
screens in the classroom is by using crosspoint switches. The VGA
lines coming from a PC video adapter basically consists of five
lines: red, green, blue and horizontal and vertical synchronizing
signals. Since the VGA line consists of two groups, analog and
digital, therefore two different types of crosspoint switches are
utilized in this project. One being an analog (video) crosspoint
switch for the RGB lines and the other is a digital crosspoint
switch for the synchronizing lines. This thesis expounds on the
methodical optimization of the design of the two crosspoint
switches. These switches are implemented and controlled by a pre-defined
program using a microcontroller for connecting and disconnecting
these VGA lines.
The microcontroller sends programmed control signals to change the status of each switch in the switcher to achieve the desired operating mode based on commands issued from the keypad. The system is designed, implemented and tested to work with 5 PCs. It provides the three operating modes and can be upgraded for more PCs.
لمزيد من المعلومات : الرجاء الاتصال ب:
المهندس : عصام كوشك
بريد : e@koshak.net
موقع : http://koshak.net
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